Commercial (H/F) 70 at BIO3G in Lure, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France

Apply for the Commercial (H/F) 70 position at BIO3G in Lure, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France. Find the best jobs for you effortlessly with InJob.AI, your ultimate solution for job search. Discover top job opportunities and streamline your job search process.

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Job Description

  Cette offre d&rsquo;emploi est fournie par P&ocirc;le emploi
 RESPONSABILIT&Eacute;S : Tu souhaites rejoindre nos &eacute;quipes commerciales alors tes missions seront les suivantes : - Organiser tes tourn&eacute;es - Prospecter en direct sur le terrain - Fid&eacute;liser (suivis des r&eacute;sultats produits) - Participer aux r&eacute;unions mensuelles de ton &eacute;quipe Pour cela, BIO3G te propose : - Moyenne des salaires 2023 = 46 000&euro; brut. Une r&eacute;mun&eacute;ration stimulante et s&eacute;curis&eacute;e (Fixe 26500 &euro; brut/ an, commissions non plafonn&eacute;es, des primes et un 13&egrave;me mois inclus) - Des challenges commerciaux (voyages, primes, cadeaux.) - Un &eacute;quilibre vie pro/vie perso gr&acirc;ce &agrave; un secteur &agrave; moins d'une heure du domicile - Un v&eacute;hicule + carte carburant + frais - Une formation continue adapt&eacute;e &agrave; chacun - Un poste &eacute;volutif suivant les besoins de l'entreprise (tous les encadrants sont issus du terrain) - Une mutuelle d&egrave;s le premier jour + pr&eacute;voyance + retraite compl&eacute;mentaire + avantages du CE (ch&egrave;ques vacances jusqu'&agrave; 500&euro;) - Une tablette PC - Une &eacute;quipe soud&eacute;e et un management de proximit&eacute; PROFIL RECHERCH&Eacute; : Tu cherches une entreprise dynamique avec de fortes valeurs et un r&eacute;el projet d'avenir ; alors postule ici et &agrave; toi la r&eacute;ussite !
   D&eacute;butant accept&eacute;
 Source: Pole emploi (

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InJob plays matchmaker by comparing your profile and resume with job listings. Each job receives a score from 1-10, indicating how well you match with it.

In the upcoming update, Yes, this will be included and this will be the main differentiator. InJob will apply for jobs on your behalf. It will target top matches and craft custom cover letters for each job, ensuring your application stands out. InJob will also handle the application process, including visiting company websites and filling out forms.

In the upcoming update, Yes, InJob will provide an interactive dashboard that serves as mission control for your job search. It will display all the jobs InJob has applied for you and their current status. You will also be able to track which companies have shown interest in your profile and view the feedback they provided.

In an upcoming feature, Yes, InJob will collect all feedback, including positive and constructive feedback, and presents it to you. This will allow you to know exactly where you stand in the job market and provides insights on how to improve your skills.